January 2, 2012

Happy 2012!

Hi everyone or not, 

before I start my this post, I'd like to say
Happy New Year! I wish everyone the best on this new year. :) It's kind of late to say but yeah, better late than never.

So what did I do for New Year's Eve and New Year?

The usual, spent it with family. Mom and I cooked and crammed in the kitchen for 4 hours?-- cooking pasta, ham and salad. Totally worth it but mom ended up missing midnight cause she was super sleepy. At first we watched Prince of Persia and Alvin and the Chipmunks 3. No, wait-- we actually watched New Year's Eve THEN Alvin. 

Basically, that's kind of our tradition-- minus the sleeping part. We watch and wait for midnight then we eat AND watch at the same time.

Then we woke up really early on New Year's day, for what? I have no idea-- for one, mom was really hyper. I think it's cause she slept really long.. So uh yeah but dad called his older brother which is basically my uncle (I don't know why I still had to say older brother) but anyway yeah, we had our lunch there. Lots of food at the table-- lots of lots of lots of hehehe you get the point.

We spent the whole afternoon there, playing xbox and guitar hero. Then mom, dad, my older brother, my uncle and aunt went off to Yayasan to buy some stuff-- we waited till 5-ish? Then we (the cousins) went to church. 

Afterrrr that, we stopped by my other aunts house-- this is getting confusing. Photos? :)

sirius monsters playing MW3


preparing for the "cousins only" group photo

can never stay one ah them, so cute kan?

see, move here move there

nahhh talk here talk there again aiyah

okay but then you see our expressions hahaha

again again again!



He's like leaving... wait, correction he left already. Ergh, I miss him already. My cute boyfriend lololol noo. 
My cousin, Nico :)

I look like crap in the photos but it's okay, I love them and I love the photos.

when big brother goes wild and gay

hahaha paiseh my dad and uncle when they heard that it was only for the cousins

they just stood there lololol

me telling my cousin to give the phone to my mom to take a photo

you see that boy playing, he was like "ngh, I'm playinggggg"

I don't know what we were doing lololol

some of them were already posing lol and I was laughing cause my aunts and uncles were like asking my dad and uncle Noel why they were there when it was only for us kids

paiseh loh them so they walk away

would've been better if Josh looked buttttttt nooooo

this isn't that bad :)

our supposed to be "wacky pose"

I like this one, I should've arranged everyone aish~

this shot is <3


everyone looking at my brother who never seems to change his poses

jeng jeng


Yeah I'll stop spamming. This is why I love our family gathering-- even though we aren't at complete and some of the family members have.. "conflicts" when it's time to forgive and share joy-- things just go to it's own course. I love my family. Nuff said.

So there's school tomorrow and I'm not going. This makes me so happy~ HAHAHAHAHAHAH I'm gonna spend it with my older brother who beeteedubs is leaving soon so yknow. Though I am missing most of my friends already.


Lastly, my New Year's eve resolution:
  1. Unfriend friends who weren't really friends
  2. Move on
  3. Be bettter
  4. Act maturely
  5. Strive
  6. Survive