December 21, 2011


Well hello~

So I have this sudden urge to blog...about what? Well pretty much everything that's in my head. 2 topics, 2 topics that won't be of any interest to you but if you're bored and you decide to scroll down and continue reading-- you have been warned

Topic #1 - Prom photos

Finally! The photos from the photographer has arrived. Not very satisfying-- not because I don't have nice shots but because some of the shots weren't very good. And I'm not trying to be mean or disregard that photographer (or photographers) but yes some of the photos weren't greatly shot. However, not all of them were "bad", some were really good photos but mom keeps going on and on about how she could find someone more professional and more sophisticating on taking the photos. Like Uncle Raul, he's a professional and worth $300. But nonetheless, the photos are 70% acceptable.

goes without saying, the 4 of us (Ed, S, Han and I) tried not to have awkward moments

I don't know why my legs were open and my arms are-


Only photo I like of me but my teeth

Oh and this photo, I don't know why I like it-- I was scolding photographer for taking so much candid shots of me which he still gave anyway and I look like crap in all of them 


This is another warning, you can still turn back while you still can.

Topic #2 - Christmas

Is in 4 days! Cousins, Grandma and Big brother is flying over from Philippines. I haven't seen my big brother for almost 2 years (mom and I were counting earlier today) and I don't know, I'm excited to see him. I'm happy that this year finally..we can spend Christmas as family. That half of the family are flying over. Mom and dad said we'll be spending Christmas in Holiday lodge....which will be kind of cool cause, I don't know it just is. 

So far I've gotten 3 presents from mom and dad; My red candy handbag, My Chicken soup for the Soul book (not a recipe book, just saying it out cause most people mistake it for a recipe book) and an Ainol Music Player. I wanted an iTouch but mom bought me the Ainol instead which I am okay with cause it still plays music AND allows me to store movies to watch. BUT I still want an iTouch cause... I want one.

Things I'm saving for
iTouch, Blue candy hand bag, flats, a new book to read and... I don't remember the rest, my list is outside and I'm lazy to move. ._.

Anyway, been waking up at 3am & 4am since the 16th for Misa De Gallo (Simbang Gabi) at Church. Mom said that if I go 9 days straight, god grants them a wish. Something like that, totally forgot how she said it but I'm not just going to church for that but to pray and ask for forgiveness before Christmas completely arrives.

Yup, that's pretty much my update or whatever you wanna call it. I has 3 other topics to share but that story for next time. Till then.
