February 11, 2011

telling the truth makes me a bitch?

Before reading.
Okay, so I really don't know what I'm suppose to be blogging about today. I'm blank as in totally, my mind has nothing in it but.. yeah. If you're not up for reading today then I suggest don't even start reading, if you're hoping for a adventurous blog post- today is not one of those days. If you don't wanna read about my love life, others love life and me missing some random people then I really literally seriously suggest that you close this. k? k.

If two people were meant to be, they'll find there way back to each other. 
no matter what.

Okay, so I did lie- I cried a little to x's post. I just get what she's going through, at least I think I do. Also recently, people have been labeling me slut. Not that most of them tell me but I can see it written on their faces. If it's because of me moving from Ek to the guy with an angelic smile, I'm sorry if you think I'm a slut for doing that but I can't help it. I'm immature and single, I'm entitled to be a slut sometimes (not that I am saying I am). Tbh, yes, I did literally love love Ek but when I wrote him that letter (yes, I did write him a letter) telling him everything I felt and that I'm literally letting go because he loves her and not me- I don't know, I just suddenly felt like the butterfly that lived inside my stomach was released or something. And I don't like the guy with an angelic smile, he's adorable and maybe yeah I do have a slight crush on him but it's just that for goodness sake and you're all suddenly labeling me slut. jeez, everyone calm you're fucking tits down-

doesn't my happiness count too? :(

I haven't really been attentive lately, haven't been going around asking friends how they are and it's killing me cause in that period where I've been living in my own world some people have been having issues- people I usually say "hey, what's up?" or "wanna talk about it?" or "hey, you have me. you can talk to me". YES, it makes me feel like a bitch for not asking. This is who I am, there's nothing else I can do about it. So if you're reading and most likely you're not, write on my tagboard and tell me how are really are- or go formspring, go anonymous and tell me what's wrong.

cause you're happiness counts to me.

I LOVE MY NAME. deal with it please, why do you have to go around telling people that my name sucks and it should be changed well guess what- I'm the only VIEL in this country so please just deal with how awesome my name is and stop telling people it's stupid.

People who have issues with me, should tell me upfront not stab me behind my back. You hate me, tell me. I don't mind- you're just helping me not waste my time being nice to you. 

I miss veena. I really do.

Being a teenager is hard.
