August 22, 2010

sexeh aweshuuum people.

Smile ; you're about to witness sexy. (8 I'm a little bored.

Meet Vee.

I'm not joking when I say she's the #1 sexiest person I know, she literally is. She's funny, nice and very very tough for a pretty girl. She don't give no fuck to nobody, gives awesome advices and cares for her friends.

And this is Kinny.

Dude, how can you not--- forget it. He's hot, he seriously is but not my number one hottest guy lah. :p He's okie okie luh. He haaaaaaaaaaaas muscles. hubbah *drool drool! He's nice and fun to be around with, no joke. He looks like a freak but he's cool. (8

AAAAAAAAAAAAAH, she's so cute right? This ish Vanz. :3

I love this little kid right here, I love raping her. ((: She's the best when you wanna molest someone, loljk. :p She's a nice person, depends on who you are to her though. She's weird and funny. Loves anything that involves rugged stuff. Sexeh guuuuurl, roaaar! :3

You might know her, she's very famous one leh. Meet Zimah a.k.a Em Shams.

kjasdasdf, awesome person! ): awesome-er than me eh. She gives the dope-est hug ever! She smiles and sounds very cute leaaaa. She owns the nickname Ms. Donut and don't give a fuck about what people say about her. You seriously, don't want her to be your enemy. You'll die and lose. I love her, in a friend friend way. :D

She gives good advices about love and life. trust me. She's also in my sexy list.
She. Is. To. Fine. To. Be. Single (:

though she rejected me to be her boyfie. ):


I don't know why I suddenly press this idiots picture. --'
He's not sexy lah but he's a nice friend. No girl dares to say bad things about he... snake. :p ONLY MEH! Cause I'm cool like that. (8 I love slapping his face and he is very very afraid of me. I don't know why you all are.

2 in 1? Aaron and Afy.

Aaron ; is the funny raping racist. He's good to talk to, says loads of shit but sometimes what he says make sense. Very troubled I tell you, he loves raping girls. I love him like I love my brothers. :3

Afy ; hold on to your seats cause what I'm about to say is really long about this guy here. Afy is... Afy is one of a kind. Those kind of guys we see in movies, the tough on the outside but nice in the inside. The one we mistake for the bad boy, though I admit Afy is a bad boy *wink. :p He loves girls and girls and boobs. Oops. (: He's the one person you can talk to about life and get an honest to god answer. He makes every problem very easy to solve when obviously they're not. He says things that... that make sense. As much as I want to admit it, he's awesome-er than I am. Awesome-er than any guy I know. I guess? Maybe #4? HAHAHAH! Afy is one extraordinary guy and YES! he's in my sexy list. :3

He's single. (: & He loves danger.

EEH! 2 in 1 again. (8

Alai Syafiqah ; is very cute and yes in my girl sexy list. #3
She's very cuuuuute very very very. hehe! (8 I've known her since primary 2 and she is very... short! :p She seriously is but she's pretty and sexy kali. Nicest person I know too.

Amirin ; oh can't you see? He's very handshuuum. :3 I love him like a baby brother too. He fascinates me in a way I can't explain. He says the cutest things and just by staring at him you'll be like 'awwwww'

He gives good hugs, awesome advices and he looks like a guy with less problems.
to me lah. :p

He's in my #1 sexy list.

Castrine. :3

We haven't met in real life. I mean like person to person luh. (8 But I love her anyway, #4 in my list. She's a nice person and bare in mind, I'm a month I think older than her and she's a senior in high school, like like form 5 or something.

Castrine and I haven't known each other for so long but we sounds like we've known each other for a very long time. I hope to meet her face to face someday. ): I'd like a real hug from her, not virtual hugs.

She wants a Damon Salvatore to sweep her away. :3

Stephanie Chun. (8
My friend, My soul sister, My lover, My babi, My bestfriend.

You seriously don't want me talking about her. It'll go on forever. :p She's awesome, period. #2 in my sexy list.

She's great. She's beautifuuuul. She's funny. She's fragile, so if her boyfriend breaks her, I will too. (8 She gives funny but understandable advices. :3

I can't ask for a better bestfriend. :D

Let's just call him.. J.

I don't know why all of the sudden I pressed the 'save image' then 'upload'
I think I was sleepy.

J. is nice. And he's him.
#2. :p cause he is.

Can't find a photo of xinZaii, Tien & Keng. --'
I don't rank my friends okay? Just sexy. BAHAHAHAH!
