July 25, 2010

I know you won't read it. (:

I'm sorry for not updating for the last two days, I've been busy with band practices and stuff like that. I've plenty to blog so let's see if I can blog them all out, I'm pretty exhausted at the moment. :p

24th July 2010 (very detailed shit.)

was one of the awesome-est day ever! Syazwana, Stephanie and I decided to sleepover at Vanz's house cause the next day was our band performance at Padang for Sultan. (: It wasn't actually suppose to just be me, Steph and Syazwana. I think Siti, Iman, Dila and Yumni was also suppose to sleepover but yeah, I have no idea what happened. Anywho, after school we were suppose to have band practice but I decided not to go cause I was afraid dad would get pissed off pickign me up at 5 then sending me at 6.30 so instead I just went home after school.

After rushing home, I had to prepare to fix my shit and everything else I had to bring. After that had my lunch with dad then took a shower. The thing is whenever I shower and I lay down while the air- conditioner is on, I fall asleep fast and wake up only when someone wakes me up. Well, I fell asleep and dad didn't bother waking me up until mom called him around 3.45PM cause mom wanted to talk to me. Then yeah, I woke up and ordered him to take me to school fast! :p Thank god he followed.

Then yeah, arrived there but didn't bother going in cause... I was embarrassed to go in so late? :p YES! I was embarrassed. So I sat outside and then KuoHan came with Edward and we talked for like 15 minutes then Edward wanted to go PEE. --' douche! (((: Then Aaron came to talk to me. He's my baby and my gigolo. Very cheap weh! :D

*skip skip, forward forward, arrived at vanz's, talk talk*

After that, Steph went back to school to meet her hubby. :D He was jogging around with him. <3

I was already that time hyper when we left! So you already know how I was acting. We went around pasar malam but we were REALLY REALLY REALLY REAAALLY HUNGRY! And we had to budget money so we could spend more later, so we decided to eat at Ayamku. lolttm! ((: While walking, did loads of crazy stuff then later arrived at Ayamku. We ate and ate and ate then Vanz said we had to wait 30Minutes for EJ to come but while waiting we did loads of crazy shit. Thus, the pictures later! :D

Moving on, Veena left with Nick and EJ never showed up after 30Minutes so we decided to leave and meet at pasar malam instead. We walked the other way so that we could see what other stalls there were. We stopped by the cotton candy stall! I didn't buy any cause it ended up really bad for Steph. (A) teehee!

*skip skip* went to Veena *skip skip* back to Xue Yi and him! <3

Mr. Prince was popping out from his window again. --' Steph held her hubbies hand for a while and Mr. Prince was like "Hey" (with his usual voice!) and you know the conversation was EPIIICCC! We laughed all the way.

*skip* don't care *skip* back pasar malam cause we wanted to buy drinks, it was turning 10.30PM and we had to go home. *skip* waited for Xue Yi, sat around dancing with Steph! Said bye to Steph's hubby and him! <3

We sent Angelina and Alveena home and the freaking gates were locked so we were trying to figure out how to get it. We ended up sounding like drunks (due to the PEPSI!) and Vanz tried climbing up the gate like some idiot. :p then the crazy dog came! :3

Finally, the landlord opened the gate for us! HAHAHAH! Then we said goodnight and promised Angelina we would stay awake till 3AM to wait for her to go Vanz's house and we did! But turns out she slept at 12Midnight. -_________- EPICCC FAIL! But it was totally worth staying up that late. We watched Dance Flick (epic shit), Road Trip Beer Pong (love it like shit! EPIC-ERR) and Half of You got served. We fell asleep So yeah. (:

25th July 2010

Woke up at 5.45AM, only 2 and a half hours of sleep! D: I feel like shit and my brain does not want to freaking function! O: I wanted to collapse. BUT I DIDN'T! We ate breakfast at Vanz's house and it was funneh! We talked about the movie we watch last night. *wink wink Stephy & flicks* :p

Arrived at school at 6.05AM and left for Padang at 7 something. When we arrived there I still felt like shit and I didn't remember half of what happened after that. *skips* I went to toilet with Sharon to change to my uniform. O: Karma was being a bitch to me (they say cause I swear to much, SORRY LUH!) I'll be (A) lah! Then yeah, we prepared and played like shit. I didn't play actually, teacher decided that tom toms would suck. --' SO I JUST STOOD THERE, being an idiot.

THENNNN, I seriously don't remember. My brain went on shut down. O: Reblog here?

Heading home!

Went to Vanz's house for a while to get my stuff, played/bullied Aiman for 30Minutes. Then Steph wanted to go home so Vanz, Syazwana and I went to school. On our way there, Steph decided she should wait at school too. --' And also Syazwana's car arrived earlier than hers! D: ASS RASH I MISS YOUU! lolttm! (; Then, yeah. *skip* at school, talked with Amirin & Aaron. Amirin and I share one thing in common ; we are addicted to chocolates!

Dad came, picked me up and arrived home. Did chores, did homework. ((((: I'm so rajin! loljk. Then mom showed me the drama festival video! SMS preformed quite well. No offence to CHMS drama. :3 Soon SunDee is actually kinda cute? :3 But is he like.. gay?

Uhrm, I'm tired. I cut some stuff. Reblog when I can? Or whatever. Ask me lah! I'll tell you the whole story. :p

Sure Aaron, I'll get you the toy. yoyo? :p

Pictures on both days! (MORE HERE!)

posing on the road :3

At the field! :3
Vanz: "My dick so rugged!"

Syazwana, Steph, Vanz & Angelina!

We ate that D: by "we" I mean me & Vanz!
for $1

Steph & Angelina!

lol @ Expression!

Veena! ((:

My bro! loljk, Cikgu Salleh! :3


preparing for the performance at Padang!

It's not yet time is it? O: