July 31, 2010

Close this book.

I love this photo. (: The Vees!

As you know, today was the closing ceremony for the trilingual month and this just means one thing. Exams are almost up and it's time for everyone to bury their faces on a book. God help me. I really don't wanna fail any subject for this exam cause dad will take ALL of my privileges and I seriously don't want him to do that. ):

The closing ceremony was really good today, fun but in way kinda... dull cause I don't know. But all the same, it was really fun. (: I got my operation waving flag reunion, even though it wasn't all of us. Maybe some other time.

I don't know how to put today in words, so I'll just post pictures and A VIDEO. I bet a thousand bucks that you'll laugh at the video. ((((: I know we all did.


Our handsome Sultan. (:
Fei, Mirin & XinZaii

Veena, Me & Zimah

Oh baaaaaaaaaaaaaby. (:
Muzzy & Jasmond

The one hotter than Justin Bieber. (:

Anna & Iman

Anna & Me!
When you get famous (you already are though), I'll be your number one supporter. :3

Muizz with his new hairstyle & Zimah with her asian pose!

Shirley's shoes. I can't believe I'm saying this but I WAAAAAANT!

So cute their poses. :3

Me & Afy
Thankiuuuuuuuuuuuuu Fy, for talking to me today about you know what. (: I'll try my best. I really will. :3

Me, Muzzy & Veena

The boys & Me.
Mirin, Afy & Rakin

The girls & Me.
XinZaii, Stephy, Iman & Nicole

Pretty boy. :3

Pretty guuuurl :3

HAHAHAHHA! My hands hurt from massaging Amirin, dayuuum boy. You need plenty of rest especially after all the angin in your body. O:

I'm closing this book, today ended. It'll forever be in my memories, locked and loved. <3

I'm tired. Be back again, (;