April 15, 2010

it's one of those days.

homaaaaygash! (:
(I suddenly thought of OMG by Usher)

SO, yesterday I did plenty of stuff but I'm not gonna bore you with all that. hahaaa. (:

Today is pretty much the same, I kind of wasn't in the mood. Everyone didn't even bother to come close to me cause I like screamed at there faces. D:

I'm sorry guys!
I was tireeed. ):

But yeah, I'm not mad. I seriously am not! Hahaaa. Mom is going to Chung Hwa soon! I.AM.DOOMED! Kidding, meh ; I'm fine with that! She was my teacher last time after all. But anywaay into positive things. Err.. yeah pretty much nothing else to say. HAHA!

Sorry, I'm boring.
Trust me, even I get bored with myself.

Later maybe? (:

Read the black (as in the whole sentence) then the red. (:

same here.


mine! ((:

year 9B.. isn't that bad.

the colours of life vee!

edited. :p bored eh.

I'm tired of all the emo and shiz you tell me. I'm irritated.
At times.
but I still love you guys.

And I know we aren't meant to be but hey. (:

Happy Advance 14th Birthday cousin (:
I mishuu
and I love chu.
Karen Carla S. Samson.

Feel the gayness (:
vee out!