November 2, 2009

Today is it ?

Good morning Brunei and dear readers, not that i know of any. :)) Today is one faithful day, *not* at our little country. People are just waking up or still sleeping and some our out doing what they do best. Some are thinking how will this day gone on to be ? Fun ? Nice or crappy ? Either way, you gotta live the day to really know. :P Todya i woke up and wondered will it still be another same morning. Nope, it won't be. And i sound like and ass with alot of sarcasm. Frak right ? anyhow, i changed my blogskin again. It's not bad and it's not permanent. ;D jus t until i can find a better one. Lol.

1st topic of the day. how do you trust someone ? the answer is... you can't. It's hard not trust someone. For all you know that person can be talking behind your back right now ! i'm not saying DON'T trust. I'm saying get to know the person before you say 'i trust you.' OK ?? I'm talking to you boy with weird hairstyle. 2nd ? well i don't have one yet. it's early ! dn't make me think that much yet. :)

Today i have 5 impotant things to do.
1. teach my brother malay until he gets it.
2.Message my girlfriends and boyfriends about mall-ing. banana split jus tin time until 12am. everything i must in the internet.
5.Blog about 5 important things to do.

That's pretty important right ?
Oh and i wanna greet my sistuurs.
Belated birthday to Calvinaa Jong !!
Happy Advanced tomorrow birthday to LIUU xue Yii !!
(Love you guys, *not*) jokes !
And to my Bfrieeeeeeeeeeeeeend MINAA, happy advanced birthday too !

that's it for now.
Randomness is in, thinking is OUT.

vibrations out.