November 7, 2009

hiatus just died again.

hey readers i'm back and i just broke the whole hiatus thing. I suck i know but what can i do, i can never stay away from you. ;p HAHAH, so anyway. what's up ? I'll tell you what's up..

1. today was hell, not in a bad way buutt in a fun way, i mean. kinda gross with calvin, vanz and shadz. We were talking about the whole ugly truth vibrating stuff. HA HA~ It was so dumb.
2. I hate HER~ not the her, bff but another HER. She is soooo, vitchy.
3. I'm really feeling pressure !!
4. Can't stop thinkning of you, why ???? M.S~~
5. I'm bored like hell.

Oh crap, my brother wants to use. be right back. maybeeee. talk to you soon. ;p