September 12, 2009

*ugh, so tired.

Hey Hey ! Sorry for the lack of post, as usual. Lazy and i don't have any internet at home. I ddin't go to school for three days and only went today. :) First of all, school was so friggin' fun today.. as in no teachers were mean or angry. Everyone was sooo nice ! lol, secondly, I AM SOOOO TIRED !!just cause of that cleaning campaign thing. -_____-'', of all the days to come to school, i went with one that has a cleaning campaign`~ Thirdly, I really can't stand the girls in my section- some of them only. they're so b**chy. :( sad to say, the older they get the MEANER some of them get. No offense`~

Whole day was so perfect, everyone was so nice and gentle ? Merline even smiled and Priya was actually in a good mood. The only moods that were still mean were... not gonna say their names. heheh, I don't wanna be bad myself. So yahh, school has never been better.

The friggin' clenaing campaign was so sudden, i didn't even know we had one... TODAY ! *huff huff* I am sooo tired and i can feel my limbs going numb`~ OMFG, does that make sense ?? :P So yahh, it was fun cause we all got to play arround. HAHA, Fong Yee Han sprayed me with loaads of water till my back became so wet. -.-, that ass. So I'll probably be quite sick during holidays, thank god for the holidays.
Thre isn't much to say, i really just like the number 3. :))

So that's everything, Oh ! and FYI I might not blog till the whole holiday is done cause well, i ahve to study for SPN-21 and Pass plus lots of holiday homeworks. LOL, so...

Belated Happy Birthday to Ryan Umali and Argil. :P
Advanced Birthday to all who might have theirs soon !

Until next time.
Vibrations out. Maniac .