August 28, 2009

It's a very quiet day. :( issit ? you decide.

veee needs adventure and excitment RIGHT NOW`~
I need a solution. tell me how ?

Hey, i'm back again.
I'm here at XINZAII's house right now. We were supposed to do our geography project but it seems that venessa already did it all, -.- so all we have to do now is like edit it.

so here's today.
Woke up around 5am, went for a shower and ate chicken. :P then after that i fixed some junks in my bag. Around 6 or something; just take note that the sun was alread present. We were ready to leave, so yea we left for school.

When i arrived at school i did my usuals. Hang around in class, played around and most importantly chinchaii did my project ( History) which i'm not very sure is good enough for 20 marks. LOL, but we were in a rush and i quote teacher Alwin say "It's either that or a 0." *pfft`~* lame excuse but yea it's akeii. After that we had maths, which is starting to get interesting lately *weird* and soon malay; it was kinda fun cause Priya was in a good mood. She talked about loads of funny stuff. Haha`~ then yahhh more class like english, (Eric Chiew made a weird show and tell presentation but we bullied him anyway about showing April's picture), science, commerce then lastly geography----- don't tell but we went to the toilet for like 10 minutes just to escape the agoinizing pain of.. Alien. :D

When school finished we and by we i meant xin jie and I went with shadiiq to dump the garbage-- ( cause it was xin jies' turn to throw the rubbish ) but handed it to shaiiq instead. We talked about lots of things on our way there, we listened to shadiiq complain about us helping him and all that shit. But we didn't at first only when we were going back to class that I not xin jie or shadiiq but I had to hold the RUBBISH bin. -__________-, ci.... pattttaaaah. Then yea, she was like hiding from ku lanjiao cause of the 'SHE' lies that 'SHE' said. hmpf`~ i know you don't understand but i don't care. LOL i am malas to erase the wholde thing. HEHEHE`~

After thatt. what's after that ?? oh yeah, me and xin jie hung around at the office to just to see her fugly gila smiler. EWW EWW`~ hahaha, that guy is so weird and so nerd. frak! *sigh* then we talked about what we wanted to be in the like.... future ? HAHAH, that's a secret i'll never tell. Yea, then we went toher house which is now actually.. She is here, baru shower. lol :P then as usual we chat chat like gila here. She talked abour hiao2 mostly. And then...


Later, maybe laterrr i'll jalan jalan with calvin and the 'gang'. MAYBE, you know what that means right. --I'm not sure--. So until the rest of the day finishes I won't decide. hehehe, what do you thinks next ?

Hoping for a better tomorrow.
Until next time. :)
I felt colourful. :DD
