January 4, 2009


Everything is back like someone pressed the 'reset' button. School, same old days of cleaning, studying, watching and all the same all stuff we always do. But maybe things will change right? don't you think that 2009, might what other people seem to be calling it 'Kick-ass.'

Nothings changed really since my last post, pretty much the same. Lastest headlines?

1. School's tomorrow. (crap)
2. Kuya's going back. (*sigh)
3. I brought the jacket i wanted. (*wopeee)
4. I just finished reading 'New Moon' by Stephenie Meyer. (*joolly`~)

Yeaaap, that's it. Gossips? nope, don't have any YET.
Current shits of addictions still the same as last time? YES.
Well, until next time`~ I'm sure i have loads to tell.
Cheers. and like gossip girl.
xoxo the IdIot.