January 27, 2009


Stories to tell ? Not much.
Gossips ? Nopee
craps ? plenty.

Age. I hate age. Numbers really suck. Realyhh, i'm telling you I have neverrr everrr been a fan of numbers. But let's not get ahead of ourselves.
1st of all, I'm not sure how my parents know what i've been putting here. How or who has been telling ? hmmm ?

2nd. The number thing, do i look freaking old ?? I do not. People- Tiong Chong`~ and many other people are calling me OLD, they say i look like an old lady. WTF. I do not. I. . am literally not. Please stop calling me old.

3rd. there isn't any. I'm just so bored, were actually suppose cut my hair no but we can't. Yet.
So for now, read this crap. and till next time with real stories.

Happy Chinese new year again.

January 23, 2009


Read this first.
Hi, this posts are mostly Stephanie's birthday, Sunday class & oh right Breakfast. Not the ordinary one, the high classed one. Just freaking read it. If it gets to boring for you. stop, breathe in and out, drinkk water and rest your eyes for 20 minutes. Let's get started.
You know how every birthday is supposed to be spent at a place to eat, have fun and then leave. Yea, this birthday isn't one of that birthday. This birthday, is class AAAA. Sleepover at a fancy hotel, fresh air at a fancy poolside slash roof- basically on top of the mall, fancy breakfast at Rizqun restaurant and new funky friends. So the day started as usual, like every Saturday (17.1.2009) is school. What did we do at school ? same-old-lamo school stuff. After school, we went home and i prepared all the things i would need. When i arrived at the mall, i got hell- freaking lost on how to get to the poolside. xP. Funny? YES. I was about to tell Steph that i was going to give up, i found some friends. Hanged a little with them, waited for Steph to tell me the directions and she finally got fed up and told me to find her at the i-have-no-ideaa what arcade was that. When I arrived there, She was there, Bradley was there and INTRODUCING. LIN SING. So we got into the poolside for a while. Then to the suite, aaahh`~ a place i never ever wanted to leave. It was like *speechless*. I loved the view, it was...`~ wait for it. LEGENDARY. In case your wondering where i got that. Look up movie, how i met you mother. Anyway. I'll skip some part, i don't wanna bore you. Me and Lin Sing walked around and i decided to but her this really really twirly lollipop. It was huge ! We met up with Bradley after a while, we also waited for half an hour for time to make it 7pm. We talked, play and just..talked !
Finally 7pm, we arrived at Pizza Hut. By the way, we get to order on our own. WOOHOO`~ Anyway, Hui tien ( love her ! in a non-lesbian way ), vili ( strange, in a good way ), zanna ( very stylish, in a girls opinion. KAn ? ), alaii (very fancy, lover her too ! again in non lesbian way !), Si teng ( she's quiet and has a fair skin. ) HAHA. And the boys i don't even wanna start. Oh there's TET. ( *eeeehhh*) CB man. no offense ok ?. I'm just saying. But he's also ok. The cake as well was LEGENDARY ! Dq, you rock ! We played with the icing but had to stop soon cause the manager was so kill joy. :P/. HAHA ! Me, and Stephanie watched, with TET *ughh*, Hong wee, Ren something. LOL and Adrian. They were how do you say, not interested in talking to someone new. BOYS. So drama. Pfft`~ We watched ' YES MAN. ' And after that the guys abandoned us, LITERALLY`~ HMPF. and we went back to the suite. Chatted, Talked, watched, laughed and slept around 3am. HAAHA.

Morning came, which was 7am. We washed our face, brushed and i shower. For once with hot water. :D I feel happy. HAHA. When we were ready, we went down and hmm, chowed. Yummy yummy foods. *sighhh* i really didn't wanna leave. We talked and after that we went up again. Which was 10am. Stephanie's mom had to go back home first. So we hanged around the suite, ate the ice-cream cake again and chocolate.. *drools* HAAHA. We all had to leave, soon. Eventually. Dad, mom and nigel picked me up and sent me to sunday class. around 12. early ? YES. So we waited, we means me and my imaginary friend. Joking, i meant melody. LOL. Class started after ate jen gave her so called 'speech and announcement.' CLass wasn't helf bad, i guess. Brandon was there and nica too. Oh and Sean too. *T.T So i'm gonna skip some part now.

I'll also post some pictures here, not soon maybe.
End of story.
Until next time.
Happy Chinese New Year

January 16, 2009

Catch me i'm fallin'.


I don’t know why
But when I look in your eyes
I felt something that seems so right
You’ve got yours I’ve got mine
I think I’m losing my mind
'cause I shouldn’t feel this way

Catch me...I’m falling for you
And I don’t know what to do

I: How can something so wrong
Feel so right all along
Catch me…I’m falling for you
II: How can time be so wrong?
For love to come along
Catch me…I’m falling for you

How can love let it go?
When it has no place to go
and I can’t go along…pretending
That love isn’t here to stay
Catch me I’m falling for you

If I could just walk away
Without you from day to day
I would die just thinking of you
I know we can never be
More than friends, you and me
But why do I feel this way

Catch me…I’m falling for you
And I don’t know what to do


How can something so wrong
Feel so right all along
Catch me…I’m falling for you
How can time be so wrong?
For love to come along
Catch me…I’m falling for you

Maybe someday I’ll see
Why love did this to me
Cause I can’t go along…pretending
That love isn’t here to stay
Catch me I’m falling for you
Catch me…I’m falling for you

And it’s wrong for me to feel this way
Cause I don’t know what to do without you
Catch me…I’m falling for you

(Repeat Chorus I)

Greetings ?

Good Morning to everyone. Sorry if i haven't posted much, it's because of SPN-21. So i have to keep on studying. HAHA ! Nothings new, except for maybe.
1. I can't believe P.W is in my class, and is totally a wicked witch.
2. I'm head over heels for E. I think ?

P.w ? She's this really small, short, talkative, weird, mean girl wannabe. she even talks like it. She's always following me around like a tail. I have no idea what's her problem.

E. ? That's one secret i'll never tell.

Oh and tomorrow where gonna celebrate Stefani's birthday. At Pizza hut then sleepover at Rizqun, weird, scary && AWESOME. I'm not sure though who's going. She won't tell ?
So FREAK. Happy, ADvance Birthday !! xP

What else ? oh i think i forgot to show you the night we have with ate steph, ate Sarah, kuya Jette. We ate at Mister Pizza then Swensens. Too bad kuya chris, Kuya JD, ate Mae && ate Su wan't there; the whole family would've been together ! :P

Me && the half view of the mall ?

Nigel, Ate Sarah, Kuya Jette && Kuya's Hand ? LOL

At Mister Pizza !

I have no idea. . ?

At Swensens ! I ate the " Ring-A-Dinga-Ling " same as ate Sarah. !

This is most of it. Until next time.


January 4, 2009


Everything is back like someone pressed the 'reset' button. School, same old days of cleaning, studying, watching and all the same all stuff we always do. But maybe things will change right? don't you think that 2009, might what other people seem to be calling it 'Kick-ass.'

Nothings changed really since my last post, pretty much the same. Lastest headlines?

1. School's tomorrow. (crap)
2. Kuya's going back. (*sigh)
3. I brought the jacket i wanted. (*wopeee)
4. I just finished reading 'New Moon' by Stephenie Meyer. (*joolly`~)

Yeaaap, that's it. Gossips? nope, don't have any YET.
Current shits of addictions still the same as last time? YES.
Well, until next time`~ I'm sure i have loads to tell.
Cheers. and like gossip girl.
xoxo the IdIot.