September 15, 2011

long time coming

Hai guise, 

I can't stick with "why hai thur" anymore cause I don't feel comfortable saying that after month and months of not blogging (not that anyone actually reads shit from this blog) so I'll be using hai guise for now. How are you guys? I mean those who are actually still bothering to wait for me to blog.

Now I have a perfect reason to as why I haven't been blogging and that's cause of Test 2 which is now over, thank god! There has been plenty of things that happened; some good and some bad. If you follow me on twitter, then you would know but if you don't then yeah. No loss. But seriously, follow me there. I'm always on cause my phone loves twitter.

So what's been up with me? Oh plenty, I've been cutting lol not in a million years... like I said, we just finished Test 2 and I have a feeling that my Chemistry will be another fail. I don't know why I fail that subject


I've been quite good. Especially after my Singapore trip and after turning 17. I've felt more matured. I'm starting to learn German and Greek, Still reading Greek Mythology. Taking responsibility and shit. Yup and I've tried Bungee jumping (HA I WISH) no siriusly I've been taking my education slightly serious. WOW that made me sound more dumber. I feel like I've changed though, like I say the wrong thing to people and I never feel comfortable telling stuff to pretty much anyone.

I feel infinite on most nights, depressed on some and weird/hyper on tiny days.

I keep eating chocolate and I keep growing fatter (WHAT AM I SAYING I'VE ALWAYS BEEN FAT) but WM says my face got whiter so there you have it, I grew slightly whiter and my pimples have been disappearing. My volcano come regularly sometimes even earlier and that makes me happy cause for like 2 ish years I feel like a retard and I thought that I was sick with a disease or some shite


I wanted to post all the photos from the S'Pore trip and the birthday photos here but blogger won't upload fast and I am racing against time. So I'll post links below if you ever read this, you'll have to wait till I stop yapping. 

I have some guy stuff to talk about but lemme not bore you with those kind of thing. I'mma keep it inside and not yap about it cause my friends get tired when I talk shit about my love life


Singapore trip 1. & Singapore trip 2. (August 29-Sept. 2)
I'm quite sorry for posting this late. But then again, people in FB might've already saw it. 

got this stuff. #jsyk

Birthday. (Sept. 3)
Thanks to Steph, XJ and Keng for the surprise birthday celebration. I had fun.

from that cute waiter Cloud.

BBQ NIGHT W/ LAKIAS. (I don't even remember lol)

okay, that's pretty much all I have to say today.
x, vee.