July 10, 2010

Long post


I'm getting tired of posting and saying this over and over again but for some reason, I really really really need to say it. I'm still grounded and will be on hiatus for god knows when. --' If you don't know why I'm grounded just go read my previous post or... something.

Today was bloody shitty, woke up at 5.45AM and went to school around 7+ for band practice. Practice wasn't bad, Vanz didn't come which didn't help much cause Cikgu Zainal thinks most of us are complete idiots when it comes to playing percussions. Yes, he thinks Vanz is the only player in the room but I don't blame him much; I do after all suck... at rolls. --' Babi kept staring at her phone again, )): I admit that ever since she and X became an item she's been ignoring me half of the time but she still gives me advices. That's good enough for me ((:

Someday she might not care anymore, and that's what scares me more. I'm losing two of my bestfriends. One who's totally in love with her boyfriend and the other who's completely scared that hers is about to leave her (something about him getting bored of her) I haven't really asked the full details, it just makes her more... err, emo. I hate it when relationships go really bad and at the end turns crappy. I don't like it very much. );

Bestfriend, yeah you. Babi, I'm suppose to tell you this in person but somehow I can't. It hurts that when you were single I use to be the one you talked to more often, I know you still tell me secrets, we share laughters but sometimes I feel like I'm being replace. :\ when you're online, you never talk to me as much as you did before. I don't blame you, you're happy and that's..

That's all that matters to me. :'\ I love you, I've always have for 8 years and will always for the rest of my living years. Thanks for always being you, bitch (;

fucking emo!
I cried last night, cause I caught him smoking. Again, when he said he wasn't anymore. I'm so stupid for believing him. --' What did I expect? He's a guy and most guys lie. I was giving him a chance to be my friend, giving him trust and I thought; I FUCKING THOUGHT (a very stupid thought) that he finally earned a piece of my trust but unfortunately he didn't want it.

My tears aren't worth this, you can screw yourself for all I care, but thanks for caring when I almost got him by the car. I still don't trust you ((;

I fucking hate smokers!

Mom had loads of Ferroro Rocher today. :q and we managed to eat all of them in one day! ((: New record! HAHAHAH! It's what we do when we feel bored, we eat and watch as a family especially on Saturdays and Sundays. HAHA! this is so random! I need more chocolates! :3 running ouuuuut of energy.

"Sometimes I wish people would just tell me the fucking truth." I said that to her and she did. I said "SOMETIMES damnit, you bitch, you don't understand English?!" and she went offline. --' How d'ya like me now fucker?

Zimah, please be okay. I hope I don't seem kepo. Please don't get angry. :]
I'm gonna go to tumblr now. :b I'm bored.

Photo's ahead! ((:

heehee (: I love you Ace! Thanks for saying that. I do look ugly though. :b

She.Is.SO.fucking.kepo! D:

HAHAHA! Thanks Em shams! ((((((:

Kang, you is so duh pretty! :3

Sad and funny at the same time. :\

LOL! kinda true. BUT who fucking cares.

Bite me, ho'

I love you Bethany :3

P.S: Tyler is into a guuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurl! ((:

thanks Ron! for trying to cheer me up.

I wanna effing marry Ace. :3 LOLjk!
HAHAH! eff chms again for blocking my blog at school! --'

grow some fucking balls bitch.