June 4, 2010


mom & dad said don't swear. :b

I'm suppose to be like doing something else aside from this. I'll be reblogging later. :b I want to make an uber long post today. Just words, little pictures. (; HAHA, I feel bored bah. OKAY? This holiday is shizt. Nothing to do, no one to hang with. HAIHS.

I miss eeem like shet. ):
2 more days yeah mahai! or did you forget?


So I'm back. Amy screamed at me. HEHE, she kept asking me what mahai meant. :b I just kept shrugging & saying i don't know. CAUSE I REALLY HAVE NO IDEA. Buuuut noo, that pantai kept screaming at me saying that I just didn't want to tell her cause it must be some kind of bad word. Mahai ah her. (; I just left her curious. :b

I'm gonna continue with tumblr. I wanted to like stop cause I thought dad & mom would scold me about my result paper but they didn't. hehehe. (; I love it! I had only one fail! :D I love my teachers for making me pass & if you're thinking that my fail was maths EEHHH, you.are.so.WRONG! :b I got like 53 on it. My fail was Geography, yes yes, geography. Mom just told me to keep studying for it. Apparently teacher Kalpana told my mom bunch of good stuff, so I.AM.SAFE. *phew. :b

English. 77
Bahasa Melayu. 50
Combined Science. 50
Computer. 79
Maths. 53
MIB. 54 (I forgot.)
Physical Education. B4 (yeah, I suck that bad. :b)
Basic chinese. 69
Geography. (47) <-- literally went out like that. :b

Yeah, alang alang pass. (; thank god. Not much fail! So I have to keep trying harder for whatever next test there is. YES, I'm such a nerd but whatever, I have to stop acting dumb & go all focused in. I don't like disappointing my parents & I specially hate being lectured by my older brother. :b EHEHE.

Anyway, the reason I'm like blogging so much today is I feel depressed-ish. :b No such word but who cares right? (; I'm typing everything out. Whatever I want to if you don't wanna read it, I don't blame you, It's like all random shit BUT if you're reading it all then you might find some important shizt. :b SO, when I came back, I went like blog hopping & yeah, read back my brothers old blog. YES, he had a blog. How awesome is that? But that's not the point, I actually forgot the one time we had this tag thing where we write about someone. Yeah, I saw the one he did on me. I forgot about it & I remember I cried when he did that. I love him but sometimes he makes me really mad. :b

SEE. (; I love what he wrote. HEHEE. MAKE IT LARGER BAH! :b

He just messaged me but I didn't reply at all. ): I don't want to, just makes me desperate for him. *sighs. He said something about losing his phone & blah blah blah. HAIHS, sometimes I get so paranoid that I think he just doesn't really like me at all. OR he's just playing around OR lying. Yeah, I got more OR here. I don't know what's going on anymore. FML. I mean I still love him, I probably will even though I keep saying I don't.

I don't doubt you baby I just am so confused

Happy Birthday Jackie Kong! (;
Have more to come yeah? And I'm glad I met you Jackie!
Even though we're not that close. I still think you're a good friend.

I talk shit. (: Let me stop here for now.

I'm going now. I seriously am. No don't stop me. EHLA, I'm going biatch. :b CIAOMAHAI!


Don't complain about the way I blog, if you hate it. The exit is just one click away biatch.

Oh & you! yeah you. You know who you are.