June 1, 2010


I is the tired.


zo kaling! (;

HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAI! :b So yeah, I'm at computer lab nao with my clawmates. My internet at home died. RIP I tell you, all of the sudden cause of that mahai thunder. I hate thunders! D: They make me feel alone. HAHA! I know, i'm weird cause I'm like big & I'm afraid of a freaking thunder.


SO sports day was okaay, not that bad. Tiring but not bad, I didn't exactly win any of the shit but it was fun. I think 2012 will be my last sports day. YAY! cause it's like 2 more years, NO! cause I kinda will miss high school. KINDA. Anywaay, YELLOW HOUSE won 2nd place for the whole sports thing but 1st on the cheerleading! which is awesome! WOO! YELLOW HOUSE! :D suckah that! & nao, my worst nightmare. PARENTS DAY! D:

I'm so screwed. HAIHS. ):

What else ahr? He didn't go to school again. ): effer la. I is the missing him. & for once yknow, I kinda hate holidays. LIKE WTF? who HATES holidays?! It just means I won't see him & I'll go crazy & drop dead. YEAAAAAAAAH, I'm not weird AT ALL. :D I haven't seen him for 2 days, does that make me to crazy? yes.


I don't hate her btw. I just dislike her, cause at times she yeah stares weirdly. at yknow. (; BUUUT let's not talk about that shall we? I don't think I'll have internet until mom & dad decide to finally get the new router! :B I need you router! come back tah me! HAHA


I watched prince of persia too, was awesome! :b like tah the max. I'm hoping to force mom & dad to watch later. We shall see. :D

XinZaii is right beside me. D: STALKER. :b jooke.
so is

MMMMMMMMiss him.

YEAH, that's that. I miss band. I miss my band friends, I miss the hyper gila kawans! ):
Advance Happy Holidays!

I miss youu mahai!
lanja me soon. <3>
