November 12, 2009

Care to read another long post.

Another Panjang Post.

Hey readeeeers ;D me again. Here having the time of my life; resting, watching, texting and whatever. wanna watch vampire's assistant and 2012. All i know is that i am NOT gonna put my face infront of a book for like a loooong... long what ? err.. month ?? Who knows. :DD HAHAHA, if you haven't read my last post. I'm free. Booorn FREEEEE~ No more exams !! woooooo`~

So today was the last day of exam. :D it was a fun day today. at school i mean. As usual went to school studied, did my test and talked so loud the whole morning. During the morning went to canteen to meet up with xinJie and the others. When i arrived there she was there with Shadiiq and peyWen. lol ;p then we hang around, study and all the shit. Then i think peyWen got pissed at shadiiq. :P It was so fuunny cause she really got pissed.

After that we pergi to hall for the test. the test was hurrrd. -______- kinda. It was kinda okeii.
but hard. ;D Then after the test me, Calvin Lai, Loo Wan Ye and Shadiiq were out talking oh ! and also Ching Yen. :) I can't remember what we talked about that lead us to the whole sex thingy. lol ;D yahh i mean it. but it wasn't like we wanted to do it. Calvin said something funny though that we actually i did.

Calvin: remember when you were humping the table ?
Me: Huh ? -.-
Calvin: At the chinese activity room ?
Me: Owhh. OHH, i was not humping it i was pushing it back.
*said it while doing the action*
Calvin, Wan ye, Shadiiq and Ching Yen laughing like hell.

It was one long conversation we had. We all got tired eventually. :DD Then splitted up. Hang around with Stefani and Chiaw Fei, don't remember what we talked about. Errr... Then danced up the stage for both of them. Not weird dance but child kind of one. EHEHEHE~ After that computer exam began. It was EASY~ Everybody was done in jiffy. lol ;P Jiffy ? Anyway that was the end of exam. FREEEEEEEEDOOOM !!! Then teacher samsiniah was so scary cause i told her i wasn't going to prom night. but not confirm by the way. She MIGHT call dad since their kawans you know. XD Yahh, so not confirm yet.

Uh-huh, that's that. Anywho. Speaking of who F. you are such a vitch. She gave me another one of her *hmpf* look and *calvin eyes* lol, calvin eyes. I really hate her so, i've never hated so much like i do with her. lucky lucky i'm good at hiding my feelings. So plastic kan ? I' so bad. -__________- but she is so hard to NOT like. seriously even you'd hate her. Show off that person. pfft`~ thinks she so irresistable. shheesh~ Then err... what else ? shooot i forgot. ohh, okay. My convo with vanz. Hiao la that girl. (at msn*)

Me: where ?
Me: at ur house ?
vanz: no, at pornhouse
vanz: duhh at home
vanz: haha
Me: lol, cool at pornhouse. i dint know they had pc's there. do they like f*ck the pc ?
Me: lol ;D

vanz: haha! nope. bt i knw you do d:
Me: lol ;p
Me: heck no

vanz: haha, no wonder u said d laptop is fast!
vanz: haha

Me: lol
Me: hiaoooo

vanz: cos u f**ked is too fast
vanz: haha
vanz: hiaoooooo
Me: dude you're so grosssss
vanz: haha d:

The rest is x-rated. XP not really la. just fun secretive stuff. ;p So anyway, maybe i'll go prom or maybe just hang out at mall. I feel like going to prom but also at the same time not going. Then again, nobody knows whats next. Photo's for you :D

I just had to get this. I mean i want the mag itself but it ain't out yet. ;D Kristen Stewart looks mature here.

My two vitches i mean witches :D

Teetdeck <333

One of the photo's during Nigel's birthday. ;P

Tell you more soon.
I hate her, her, her, her and him, him and you.
Nervous for SPN-21 Results.

vibrations OUT.