July 30, 2009

Hoping for a better tomorrow.

Hey it's me again, first of i finally got to open my school email (thanks to Alai ♥) :D It was actually viel03052@chms.edu.bn, bloody hell. x)) anyywayy, I have alot of homework that has just been sent by my teachers.. :( gawd help mee.

1. History.
2. Geography.
3 Chinese. -______-
4. plus more when i go to school tomorrow.

Speaking of school tomorrow, i wonder if it'll be good to go tomorrow. I'm still kinda freaked out about the fact that one of my kawans got h1n1. ;( how how ?? then banyak homework. Not gooooood`~ ? Issit ? But i miss everyone to not even go. WTH ? :P So yea, hopefully tomorrow... will be a day i will never regret. hahaha !


Yesterday however was one hell of a day, me and nigel had to like study first la cause of the whole absent thing for 1 week. So yea we studied our ass off then relaxed for a bit, Nigel wanted to watch How i Met Ur M0ther so we went in to WatcH then he was crying inside.

Me: Whyy ?
Nigel: Ehh. the remote won't work !
Me: HALA ! Did you break it ??
Nigel: Noooo, it was like that already.

HAHA, actually i knew that it wasn't working cause the battery had died. xP

Me: UH-OHHH, you're in trouble.
Nigel: No..
Me: haha, no the battery is already dead. Go get the other ones there.

Eventually there wasn't any battery so we asked out parents to buy.... . which they didn't. -____________- LOL so we just played it but yea, we just sat around, watching then decided to play badminton out of boredom. So we did thaat for an hour or so. then we played we Raffii; the dog and theeen, what happened after that ? oh right we went in cause nigel was already so sweaty. :S

So then our parents arrive, mom and i cooked pasta. YUM.. :q paaaasta. Oh right yea, she doesn't usually do that so my parents were having a good day. I know it doesn't sound awesome for you but for me it is. :P

So hoping for a better tomorrow.


too early to think of one.

Morning. :) I couldn't think of a title cause it's too early to think. Ehehe`~ so the day has yet to begin. Anyway.. I totally forgot the password to my outlook thing. It's either the password or the email.. ? I'm not sure !! danngiit`~ I can't think cause i'm usually lazy to think in the morning. weird kan ? :P Hahahaha, was it vieljeaninedaquigan03052@chms.edu.bn ? or vieljeaninedaquigan03052@chms.edu.bn ? or none of the above ? Bloody hell. -________-''

This is not good, all my revison's are in there and i can't open it.. AT ALL. Ggodhelpmeeeee.
Be right back okeeei ?

till later.

July 29, 2009

It's me again. for real.

It's me again, you remember me right ? ahahaha, so the past i don't know how long it's been since i last blogged i've been pretty much in house arrest, off the radar, gone for a while, disappeared.. you get the point. Anyway, all i did at home was read books like harry potter and the deathly hollows. which i managed to finish in 2 and a half days. Lol`~ but i have to say the movie is the one thing i can't wait for, i mean i still have to wait for next year (November) to watch the first part of it then another year for the second part. Bloody hell. hahaha`~ so here's the things that have happened before my last update:

1. I managed to make my hair grow longer without complaining.
2. We watched the whole harry potter from the first to the recent.
3. I've watched and listened to everything there is to watch or listen to in the house.
4. i gained weight, not much but a few. :P
5. there's too much to remember. I think ? Right now all i'm thinking about is Harry potter and i have no idea why the heck i'm thinkng of it. ? -.-

So yea, there isn't much to say here. I've learn to live ? If that makes sense... at all ?
Yea, erhm.. oh, one of my classmates had H1N1 ( bloody virus) and i'm not sure how the story goes ? and uh-huh. that's that. I'm kind of miserable for the moment but i'm hoping for all of it to change, if it evers. until next time. which i won't know when but i'll be back, for sure ? I think.

So It's me again, no shit. For real.
I miss you guys. Always.
Keep safe. :)