February 3, 2009


Tagged by My panget brother (joke lang`~)

Whoever gets tagged has to write 10 things about the person who tagged him/ her.

1. Er.. he's my big brother.
2. He's kinda mean, in a fun way.
3. He's weird & freaky.
4. Like's green, not ordinary green. Uhm the colour of the green apple.
5. He's very harworking. I think ? HEHE
6. He like to bully me. ALOT.
7. He's good, very good at art.
8. He hates doing chores. LOL. He drools on the bed too.
9. He's funny, kinda annoying. Sometimes
10. He's still my big brother, kinda bossy, he's also kind. Sometimes. He's hmm, sossy ?

The person who got tagged has to write 10 things about himself/herself.

1. I'm fat.
2. I like food, chocopie mostly.
3. I like number 3, not cause my bro like it. It's the day i was born !!
4. I'm addicted to the television.
5. I'm in love with vampires & aliens.
6. I maybe fat, but i really do like sports. I just don't like getting laughed at. xP
7. I'm noisy and kinda annoying. I act childish too.
8. I'm an IdIot. Kinda.
9. I'm not good at maths, i act smart but i'm not very.
10. I get emo once in a while. I also sometimes that the world will come to an end. MWHAHAHA.

At the end, you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names.

1. Audrey.
2. Serahh.
3. Shushi
4. Swee Mei
5. Tien
6. chiaw Yuen
7. Kuya
8. Khatleen
9. Chelsea
10. Alai

till next time, maybe Friday.
Chiaw Fei & Alif are very crazy.