August 23, 2008

Back again.

Hey I'm back again. with whole new stuffs going on. Well actually it's exam week so there isn't much stuff but examss. Today me Chiaw Fei actually went to (this i can't really name) ,hahaha we ate something from Jollibee but i can't post the picture's now~ crap time, I'm actually in a hurry so everything i might type will turn up shetty..that wasn't a mistake. Anyway as usual we had practice and I had loads of fun.Oh and i went to (the name i can't name) after extra class.

Soon me and the group went to Secondary block and chit-chatted there.Uhm i think after that we went to that place which i can't put here.xP when i post the picture then you'll know where.

Yea,we had bonded times and yea fun.After_-_- ~~~
Great i gotta go now,i'll be back soon,mmkay???Ciao for now..

August 15, 2008

No title?

I don't have a title for this cause i can't think of let's just call it no title.Test are coming and fun is about to vanish..More studying for me and less fun.Anyway today as usual is a friday and i'm at mom's office chatting with Shannon.Who by the way we will miss.Dang it..why does she have to go JIS??Why JIS??why??of all the school it had to be JIS?HAHAHAHA..xPP were really gonna miss her so's always like that.

August 8, 2008


Why do people always confess at the end?xD..Chaz is this dude i met at somewhere and well he was really pissed for no reason and guess what,when if forced him to he confessed..I'm only typing some details cause i'm bored to death.

vee:why are you angry?
Chaz:i'm not..!!
vee:yess u are..
vee:what's wrong man?
Chaz:none of your buissness..
Chaz:leave me alone.
Chaz:it's this person.Sylvia.


I just wrote that because,i have no idea.But don't get the wrong idea.When you tell me your secret doesn't mean i'll write it here.Haahaa..
Anyway today was ayts,nothing much to tell.ANd oh..oh met this really cool person on the internet.Ariana Fowler,San fransisco.Age 14.She is so cool.This is how our conversation went.xDD

Vee Sia : hi
Ariana Fowler : hi who is this??
Vee Sia : kayy T?
Ariana Fowler : oh okey heyy
Vee Sia : how r u?
Ariana Fowler : im
Vee Sia : fine..
Vee Sia : how old r u gain?
Ariana Fowler : 14
Vee Sia : ryt..
Vee Sia : saem age...
Vee Sia : *same
Ariana Fowler : cool
Vee Sia : wer u from?
Ariana Fowler : sanfrancisco
Vee Sia : wow..
Vee Sia : must be nice..
Ariana Fowler : haha yeah i guess if u like the city it is
Vee Sia : hahaha..yea..
Vee Sia : wer do u study there?
Ariana Fowler : at the library up the street
Vee Sia : seriously?
Ariana Fowler : haha yeah
Vee Sia : hows it feel to stay there?
Vee Sia : sorry i ask to much question
Ariana Fowler : no its fine
Vee Sia : never had a person to talk to who actually live there
Ariana Fowler : umm its quite in the part i live in
Ariana Fowler : and the ppl are kinda nice so its ok i guess
Vee Sia : oh..i see..
Vee Sia : cool
Ariana Fowler : so were do you stay
Vee Sia : Brunei..which is this really boring country but its really quite..
Ariana Fowler : oh haha
Ariana Fowler : lots of ppl huh?
Vee Sia : yea mostly tourist..
Vee Sia : but im actually from phils..
Ariana Fowler : oh yeah thats the same over here
Vee Sia : hahah..really..
Ariana Fowler : one time the big red tour bus broke down in front of my house
Ariana Fowler : kinda weird but hott guyz got off so i was happy
Vee Sia : haha..ur lucky u have hot guyz der mine are all..weird..hahah..
Vee Sia : and the tourist who come here are koreans-some hot..xDD and chinese
Vee Sia : oh and half americans
Ariana Fowler : well im sure you have heard of sanfrancisco being the town of GAY PPL!!
Ariana Fowler : if you havent well now ya know theres lots of lesbos over here
Vee Sia : hahah
Vee Sia : woah
Ariana Fowler : ummm pretty much soo
Vee Sia : haha..
Ariana Fowler : i saw a gay mans butt cheeqs once it was so freakin awsome though
Vee Sia : hahaha
Vee SIa: so wat do u enjoy doing?and wat should i call u..
Vee Sia : ?
Ariana Fowler : oh hold on a sec kk?
Vee Sia : k
Ariana Fowler : okey saorry u can call me arie
Vee Sia : me vee
Vee Sia : so wat did u do..
Vee Sia : oh do u have friendster?
Ariana Fowler : nope wats that?
Ariana Fowler : oh umm for funn i walk around the neighbor hood to coffe shops and to the park
Vee Sia : its this cool site wer u meet other ppl around the world..
Ariana Fowler : vee thats cool
Vee Sia : really walk?we dont have a park here so yea
Ariana Fowler : oh wow that sounds like fun
Ariana Fowler : like pin pals???
Vee Sia : something like that..
Ariana Fowler : oh well i will have to check that out later or something
Ariana Fowler : wat time is it out there?
Vee Sia :'s friday,6.34pm..there?
Ariana Fowler : its friday 3:35 am here
Vee Sia : woah..early..hahah
Ariana Fowler : yeah i know...i should be sleepinq rite now
Ariana Fowler : so did scool start back for you?
Vee Sia : yea..since January..hahah
Vee Sia : u?
Vee Sia : then y rnt u sleeping?
Ariana Fowler : wow its summer time......well i start bak on the 27th
Ariana Fowler : idk im talking to you
Vee Sia : haha..i must be annoying..
Vee Sia : xDD
Ariana Fowler : no ur actually really cool
Ariana Fowler : lolz nice
Vee Sia : haha..thanx..same to u..
Ariana Fowler : soo0o0o0 new buddie i hope you dont totally hate me for this but i might have to leave you kinda tired so maybe we can talk later on today???
Vee Sia : uhm..sure?i'll try to i guess if not..maybe tomorrow?is dat fine?xD

Yeap..That's it,oh and the title is crap-a-doodle-doo is because i haven't finish my homework.hahaha,Kasiahannn..Well gotta go bye..till next time

August 7, 2008

`Em backk

I'm backk but only for a while as I am in class now. Crap you know i feel like crap seriously because Chin, Alif, Maelloyd and this other person..AHEMK..he hates talking to me obviously since i'm always talking to him when his busy or i am just..SARCASTIC..oh oh i gotta go..see ya..!!