Booyah! It's August! ((:
I hope this month won't suck like the rest. ): I'm still waiting for September though and December! :3 I miss my big brother and he'll only get to come here on December.

It's Sunday and as usual we had our family day. (: I've been having so much band practices during Sunday today was one off day. So today mom and I watched Salt and it was friggin' awesome! Dad and Nigel didn't want to watch is so they just watched tekken... without me! )): I wanted to watch tekken cibaiiikiaaaaaaaa! BUT OH WELL!
Pretty much the whole day was about my family and I hanging out at the mall. (: That's why Sunday family day is awesome! :3 I had another dejavu. ): I didn't like it... but it changed when I slept in the car. whew!
I wanna be like Salt, I mean the way she kicks ass. :3
Angelina Jolie is kinda old, but still so smexy! (:
Me: she's like 45 I think and she still looks young! D:
Mom: why? DO I LOOK OLD?
Me: uh. yeah? NYAHAHAHAH! :p
Mom: No I don't.
Me: uh, yeah you do mom.
Mom: che! I'm not.
Me: :p
NYAHAHAHAH! I love you mommy!
I find it weird that you say those things to me. O: But I love you anyway man. (:
I wonder what the future will bring. :3
Are friendly kisses real? O:
VAMPIRES SUCK (not that they do. It's just a movie. :3)
wala sa mood para mag blog. (: