I cried, the whole day. I miss you already, we only talked for 2months. 2 fucking months and I got this attached to you. I'll forever miss fucking you deep deep Joel Ong. ):
" ; i regret not getting to know you better, but for the past 2 months we've joked around, i realized , you're more than i expected you to be. thanks for being nice and being a friend, good luck in everything you and we'll be hoping for your return. Ü fudd joel. (8 "
...Today is one of the saddest day I've had this year.
Today he gathered up the guts to talk to me about calling him a bitch. I admit he makes sense. (: I'm sorry if I offend you, but I'm serious I don't take sides, kay? I apologize, I still will call you a bitch though. ((: I hope you don't mind, I call everyone bitch. bahahahaa! (8
...Oh yes, 25th is coming! (8 I cannot wait for the things that I want bah.
who is this sexy person? bahahahaha! no more Justin Bieber hair eh Calvin? :p
I won't say goodbye to anyone anymore, Aaron says it means they won't be coming back. ): For now on, I shall say "See you soon, I love you (:"
I still feel like a failure.
Afy was asking me what was up, what I wanted to talk about with him. I could feel the tears come but I laughed cause Mirin suddenly talked about a dream he had.
Mirin: tadi aku mimpi ah! ada satu perempuan yang pakai Buzz light year uniform bah tapi ia pakai skirt!
*Afy laughs*
It's such a long story! And half I don't remember.
why do you ask me so much stuff dear anonymous person. :p
I didn't really study for Chemistry. ): I'm gonna fail. Shit. FAILUUUUUUUURE! I haven't studied MIB either.
latuuuuurs. (8

sweeet like cand-ehh!