Do you feel my pain now, bitch?
I just don't understand why you have to hate on me when clearly I didn't do anything to you. I may be immature but I never said those things you accused me of. Now don't blame me just cause people are talking about you behind your back.
Feel the pain I get when you talked behind my back.

I did this before. Just wanted to mention it. (:<
Today was just the usual day but Zimah didn't come to school today. ): Sadlife, I wanted to talk about... Thailand! BAHAHAHAH. Everyone was pretty weak due to the Physical Education class we took.
...I find it funny when I type, "Physical Education" instead of "P.E"
Anyway, we were all acting like we were pregnant cause our legs fucking hurt. Everytime we went up the stairs we would make a "uhhhh" or "ahhhh" sound. >:p It was so funneh!
Dad's leaving for Philippines soon, in like 3 more hours or so but before that we have to stop by some places.
I'm not in duh mood to blog. >:p