I'm tired to like type the whole thing that happened today; and besides! today is indescribable! ((: I had fuuun, we all did and we all miss it so badly. GLEE CLUB, GLEE CLUB! ROAR! :b Also, we might all go re-record the whole song again cause the one that Muizz recorded ended up being shit. HAHAHA! wasn't his fault just happened all of the sudden.
I remembered I wanted to post something here but I totally forgot what, man, I feel old. --' FML. ((: AND FTW, big news! ((: He does like her! omgee tah the max. I love this, so interesting nia! A & X. ohhmama, please forget streSS dahling, kays? move on.
Thank you for all the fun ya'll. It's been awesome, I hope it doesn't end just yet. ((: I want the fun to always continue and I hope someone freaking makes a Glee club at school! I miss you guys already. ALOT and I'm going crazy about it. That sounded gay, right? OH WELL. I'm being farking random today. x.
I'll reblog if I need to post something new. ((:
Picture time! (; sorry for some blurs! some credits to Em Shams & XinZaii!
HAHA! Me & Aaron wearing orange!
in the picture: Me, Aaron, Mira, Mirin & Kang!
((: Aaron, Vanz & Xin Jie!
Muzzy & Mirin
VANZ ; love this pic!
My baby sister, LOL! Me & Mirin
KANG; looks like a doll! 0.0
HAHAHA! Mirin ((:
Muz! ((:
Momma making up ma' face. :3
Aaron & Xin Jie ((((((((((((((:
*wink wink Ah Jie.
I WANT! Mirin you arse, gimme! I obsess over your green-ess.
In the picture; me, Hafidz, Muz, Sean, Em Shams, Mirin & Vanz
My blind friend. ((:
LOLjk, Me & Hafidz
He so shuai kan? I know *wink
Group photo, not in the pic though is Sharon & Harris. SORRY GUYS! OH and Edmund with Pei Pei just suddenly disappeared. :b and MUZ too! --'
In the pic; Hafidz, Sean, Venessa, Mirin, Zimah, Steph, Me, Afy, Mira, Xin Jie, Aaron, Angelina & Kang
My Favourite. Look!
Muzzy, Me & Mirin.
I love this two tah the max. ((:
Modda-effer, I duh random!
Oh sexy, sexy, sexy day. I adore you.
for today, Oh-Three