I feel so lame right now, that I want to cry. lolttm, I want to cry cause of
1. Zimah's post. It made me cry so much, I don't know why.
2. the most awesome-est bestfriend.
3. teacher F. talking to mom tomorrow. D:
So little time right now. ):
I'm sleeping at Venessa's house tomorrow, then on Sunday we have to preform at Padang. --' And teacher recently gave me a tom tom solo which I DON'T KNOW HOW TO PLAY! D: I suck so bad. )))): O H W E L L.
ugh, being random right now.
talking to Ah Jie & Mu'it at MSN. ((:
Pictures that don't interest you. :D

so true. O:
fuck you Aaron, I didn't not look like a mom just now. It was all the outfits fault! D:
Oh & thanks! for the uhmp that made half of my days.
P.S: I know yer hiding something. :p