Everything ends up going really bad. *sigh.
Tomorrow has to be a good day.
Please be a good day. *begs the universe.
Please be a good day. *begs the universe.
So today was pretty much a lazy day, I just hogged the television the whole day with dad since he's on sick leave. :b The only time I left the house was when moms car broke down & we had to pick her up. I don't have anything to write about, I feel lazy right now. Ehehehe.
Also I texted Steph today if she wanted to watch tomorrow & shiz but she killed me and said that she couldn't cause she has to go to church in the afternoon. HAIHS. I have no one to go out with. But tomorrow is his birthday & I think he wants to meet up but NO, I can't tell my parents I'm going out with a dude. SO THERE GOES KARMA for you.
I feel so seriously pissed off.
But his text kinda made me feel better, I was about to text him when suddenly he texts me. (;
He said... SECRET. :b I wish I heard it from him though, you can never tell if a person is telling the truth through text. :\ BUUUUT yeah.

I don't wanna blog long shizt so I'll be off now. I'll be back tomorrow? (; Oh we shall see.

more at tumblr! (;