Kaling (;
I'm still so tired I feel like I'm about to collapse on the floor. :o SERIOUSLY! but I couldn't help but come. How can I resist a few minutes of blogging, right right right? Alot of stuff actually happened today, not that mind blowing but you get my drift.
♥ Teacher Carolyn is now our new form teacher, not Kalpana.
♥ My sunburn still hurts like so much.
♥ I managed to get 42/80 in my maths, which according to my friends is a pass but according to my mom "pasang awa"
♥ will be killed by Cikgu Sham for not joining the cadet march.
♥ I'm going back to tumblr.
♥ I might officially meet the hotness monster. (;
♥ I got invited to Zanna's birthday party. But I don't know if mom & dad will allow me. :|
♥ He knows.
♥ My sunburn still hurts like so much.
♥ I managed to get 42/80 in my maths, which according to my friends is a pass but according to my mom "pasang awa"
♥ will be killed by Cikgu Sham for not joining the cadet march.
♥ I'm going back to tumblr.
♥ I might officially meet the hotness monster. (;
♥ I got invited to Zanna's birthday party. But I don't know if mom & dad will allow me. :|
♥ He knows.
yeah that's that. He knows. He's not mad or anything, He actually asked me what I would say if he mm'd back & all I could think of freaking saying was "I would say, aww"
yeah, that's what I said. You want to know who it is don't you? The "he" hehehe :b *winks at S.* SECRET! (: ULAVYOU STILL! what else ah. -_______-
white. white. white.
YELLOW! speaking of yellow!

& now I'm really blank. Pictures? Ehehe, random pictures again. I always forget to ask Azzam for the pictures we took during Syafiqs' birthday. DAMNSHIAT, I know.

I forgot that we got rehersals tomorrow for the sports day. D: not another sunburn ah. ):
I like (Y) this song! (; Ahmirs' are awesaaaaaam!
I found it in vinlys' blog (; SAM TSUI is so fruuriking hawt! The song is nice cause they really have a nice voice.
I like you thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisss much! x
but i feel like something's wrong. or about to.

vee out! (;