I is the bored & the tired.it's zo zo zo zo effing KALING roight?
First of, I love it that
Lee Dewyze won American Idol! (; I love love love love it!
HE IS SO AWESOME! :DYeah moving on, just the usual
rehearsal with the band for sports day. I
still play
tom-toms & yeah he
didn't tell me.
Which sucks for me. :| BUUUT can't force him to tell me now can I?
*sighhhhh. Sucks so much to be me right now.
ANYWHOO, there's
band practice tomorrow & it's
YayFriday! OR is it
BooFriday? yknow.. I'm
talking shit right? :D HAHA!
So funny shits that happened today. DOWN THERE! REALLY long soooo, don't read it. :p
When we were at the canteen, after rehersal I mean. As usual we
didn't have classes & we were like suuuperrrr tired. SO we
(Angelina, Steph, Kang & me) went to the canteen & saw
Sean there. So we like hanged out there.
TALKED about stuff, they tried hitting my bruise which they did for like 5 times. For some reason I think it's more
darker now. x) HAHA! stupiad la them. (; BUUUUT yeah,
I was like shouting & everyone just...
STARED! I'm serious, I had to say sorry to this malay dude beside me cause I
was shouting straight in his ear!THEN! Hafidz had to point out the girl with
HAIRY ARMPITS. -___- nice bro, niiiicee.
So eventually we ended up
laughing & joking about her first.After that, for some weird reasons we started drifting to something else like a song.
I think that would be my fault for like being so high. :p
YEH! we sang
baby, me & Angelina. HAHA!
Hafidz, Amirin, Nadhirah & Aaron were like
hiding & saying
"we don't know them, seriously, we don't"We were even sweared at by Shins' group.
tingly feelings that happened today?
HMM.Him?He had to look me in the eyes.
HE JUST HAD TO! wtf? seriously, of all the things to do. I admit
It was so cute but seriously?!Did he really have to? ): Now I feel like shit cause
iomgactuallymh.He gives me that one of a kind feeling.
I think?where butterflies come & eat me up. :sThat certain tingly feeling.
*sigghhh.He says he likes staring at me cause i laugh when i do & he just smiles.
I hate you, yknow?):
I don't want to fall deeper, you mahai.Really
hated moments.OKAY!I admit I was
kind of jealous.
He's not mine or something.FTW.He knows I was.
He knew I wasn't in the mood &
he texted me if I was okay.
I lied & said yes.I wasn't.He knew I wasn't, he just said
"I think you're jealous"Think vee, think of an excuse.
I was like
"whaaa? nooo, yes, maybeeee? :D"& that ended his questions. If he knows I'm jealous why does he have to keep doing it?Why can't he still answer my question?!*sighhhhhh!really
TIEN moments.
ARE AWESOME! (;I love Angelina Chiuh & Stephanie Chun. for many reasons.
YEAH, I'mma private this blog! TAG ME IF YOU WANT IN OR JUST MSN ME (;

veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeouuuuuuuuuuut!I like staring at your eyes. But I laugh so you won't notice I blush. :D
Oh how i feel when I look into your eyes.