Hahaaa! Eveeeeeeening! (:
Warning: might have a long, slightly random post today. :p
Ohohohohmagaahd! I was browsing through youtube and I saw Dean Geyer ; some random singer I never heard of and he is so effing sexy! O.O He sings nice songs too. :}
Anehway, :p Today was fun! We went to the movie thing at the mall. THE MOVIE WAS BORING! Like to the maaaax! x)) It tortured us for almost 2effinghours! :O It was about the environment which is cool for me cause I freaking love nature but c'mon! seriously? A whole hour of documentary? People could've just watched National Geographic at home! D:
Though while the nerdy ISB people were watching, and some of Science class ; were watching. Me, Stephy, Karyn, Soo Yoong, Tien, Syafiq, Azzam, Alai, Kai Ti and Samuel made noises. -____- but yeah, didn't last long cause some weird fat teacher came and got mad. Si Hitam also ended up scolding us! :p *babi ahh!
then then, yeah after an hour and a half! The movie ENDED! yaaaaaaaaay! :D We stayed back while the others left cause teacher Anuar wanted to check our attendance so while he talked about something ; Azzam took pictures. (: Me, Stephy, Kai Ti, Tien, Syafiq and Alai posed. :D Eheehe. (: I love them! (I'll just wait & see if Azzam posts them at facebook ;D)
I can't waait though. :p I'll probably kacau him about it. SORRY TO HIM.
After that we went rushing to Jollibee cause we were so damn hungry! When we arrived there it was straight to the cinema ; no lunch! -____- I know right?! Err.. after that we saw the whole Science class going to the bus so we had to wait for our turn which took forever but NO WORRIES! hahaaa! we all hanged out together-gether! WHICH WAS SO EFFING AWESOME!
*sorry my story is kinda blurry cause i skipped some part :p*
The whole class like played that "machine-like-football-thing" I don't know what it's called. )): How sad! but yeah it was so fun! we actually sang the "oleh-oleh" song in public (: My classmates are soo daring! :p Then yeah the bus came to pick us up. :| fckeet. HAHA! we were having so much fun! But but yeah we left for school.
The bus part was hilarious! x)) Gosh! Fong should know he can NEVER beat me in comedy. He speaks baad English! it's so effing true! I'm sorry but it's the hard and painful truth. LIVE WITH IT you arse. -____- but anyway it was still funny. Long story short; "the iban thing" is what we call it in school. :p
-skipthepartwhenwegethome :D-
yeah and that's pretty much. Fair warning, don't watch HSBC-HOME! D:
then tomorrow I've got band practice! -__________-
Saturday is Cheerleading Selection Session. :O
Saturday is Cheerleading Selection Session. :O
Anyway, Congrats to Mina for winning against SAS (: [noobkia]
then again, you're awesome at basketball pork! ;p
*true fact.
then again, you're awesome at basketball pork! ;p
*true fact.
Like my new blogskin?
Comment at me tagboard yeah?
Like my new blogskin?
Comment at me tagboard yeah?
Might not post pics today either. Really tired atm. (:
We shall see.
We shall see.
hold on (:
but i might give up now.
and let you free. ):
actually I did!
HAHA, all so serious! (: "table cup"
At the bus :D
Waiting for the bus!
The ticket.
hold on (:
but i might give up now.
and let you free. ):
actually I did!
Feel the gayness yet? (:
vee out!