Eveeeeeeening all (:
Sorry couldn't update much. |: was so tired & *coughs*lazy*coughs* sorry akaii?
So I won't stay long, downloading so much songs & I kinda want to watch greek (IF I CAN) and sleep early? GAHD! Mid year is almost near! *dies* I hope to pass, if I don't ; my parents will be disapppointed and I'll have to emo again. AHAHA!
So I'll upload pictures today (: Lazy to type eh.
Happy Advanced Birthday Sayang Syafiq! ((:

how old are you kan? I wonder.
Stay gay always & half immature.
Immaturity keep us young yeah?
how old are you kan? I wonder.
Stay gay always & half immature.
Immaturity keep us young yeah?
Stephy, KaiTi, Samuel, Mira, Alai, Tien & Me.