So awhile ago i was reading 'someones' blog. Someone i think i hate ? or not but anyway, she's so totally different. We're still friends i mean it's not like i'm backsatabbing her or something it's just that when we; me and her were friends, she never acted like... she does now. I mean i got to admit she was kinda bossy before but now she's kinda worse. Is that a bad thing to say ? I'm sorry but it's true. Plus for all i care, girls in my school pretty much get sucked into vanity and turn, weird ?:d
So, hungry me is just craving for so many things right now ! like bulgogi ! or kokoberry ! or marijuanaa ? just joking~ actually more on cakes and ice-cream ! :P While i was sitting around and reading i actually imagined the paint to be flavouring or something. *eww i know but i never knew my imagination was THAT wild. hmm..-.-
Boredness is going to kill me soon maybe when i become 18 years old. LOL, i'm serious though if by 18 years if i haven't found any interest in anything i am ssoo gonaa kill myself. methaphorically ! -is that right ?sarang ?
I ♥ se7en. I ♥ Bethatny Joy Galeotti. I 

lol. Okay this time i really have to stop.
visit www.gossipteen.com instead for more news. !
Cheers the third time !
vibrations out again.