Okay chill viel. Anyway. I really love heroes. So addictive man! But i only like 3 main characters.
Hiro Nakamura ( Masi Oka)
Peter Petrelli ( Milo Ventimiglia)
Claire Bennet ( Hayden Panettiere)

I love them man! there so cool. Oh got one more story, Awhile ago Sugar&me had this convo:-
sugar: You really hate fashion that much? why?
me: When did i say that?
sugar: you alwayyys ignore the question..
me: since when?
sugar: everyday!
me: ehehe, i just wanna enjoy being a tomboy-ISH girl for now.
sugar: fine fine whatever.. i'll let that go for now..
Seriously fashion, isn't the thing for me just yet. Right? i mean i'm missBadass. I may not be cool but yea. Fashion is a nono. For now. Funny thing is after that Stefanii asked me the same thing about fashion, ehhh...