Hey I'm back again. with whole new stuffs going on. Well actually it's exam week so there isn't much stuff but examss. Today me Chiaw Fei actually went to (this i can't really name) ,hahaha we ate something from Jollibee but i can't post the picture's now~ crap wahh..no time, I'm actually in a hurry so everything i might type will turn up shetty..that wasn't a mistake. Anyway as usual we had practice and I had loads of fun.Oh and i went to (the name i can't name) after extra class.
Soon me and the group went to Secondary block and chit-chatted there.Uhm i think after that we went to that place which i can't put here.xP when i post the picture then you'll know where.
Yea,we had bonded times and yea fun.After_-_- ~~~
Great i gotta go now,i'll be back soon,mmkay???Ciao for now..